Bale Coffee


Bale Mountain is located in the “new” administrative area of West Arsi, formerly part of Guji. It is a relatively new farm, owned by Israel Degfa. With recently planted coffee bushes, they are just coming into full productio

At present Bale Mountain processes only naturals that are truly distinct and unique. This area is relatively new to coffee comparing to the south, but there is a lot of expansion. Currently, investment and expansion are targeting only the highest quality coffee.

The farm sits on a 1900-2000 (Metres above sea level) land with around 100 hectares under coffee production.

shallow focus photography of coffee beans in sack
shallow focus photography of coffee beans in sack
Characteristic and use

Bale coffee is typically grown by smallholder farmers who cultivate coffee trees on their land. The coffee plants are grown at high altitudes, typically between 1,800 and 2,200 meters above sea level. The cool climate and rich soil of the region, combined with careful cultivation practices, result in coffee beans that are known for their unique flavor and aroma.

Bale coffee is typically processed using the washed processing method, which involves removing the outer layers of the coffee cherry and then washing the beans to remove any remaining mucilage. This process results in coffee beans that are clean, bright, and highly aromatic.

red round fruits on green leaves during daytime
red round fruits on green leaves during daytime

Bale coffee is considered a specialty coffee and is highly sought after by coffee connoisseurs. The coffee is known for its complex flavor profile, which is characterized by notes of fruit, chocolate, and floral aromas. Bale coffee is often used as a base for espresso blends or is featured as a single-origin coffee in specialty coffee shops and roasteries.

brown coffee beans
brown coffee beans